UCTopic: Unsupervised Contrastive Learning for Phrase Representations

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This paper leverages a new contrastive pretraining objective along with cluster assisted contrastive learning to generate high-quality phrase/entity embeddings.

  • What is the name of the UCTopic paper?

    UCTopic: Unsupervised Contrastive Learning for Phrase Representations and Topic Mining

    Jiacheng Li, Jingbo Shang, Julian McAuley, UCSD

  • UCTopic makes two assumptions about phrase semantics

    1) Phrase semantics are determined by their contexts

    2) Phrases that have the same mentions have the same semantics


  • Why does UCTopic have to leverage clusters?
    • small number of topics makes in batch negatives unstable
  • What are the main contributions of the UCTopic paper
    • Unsupervised contrastive learning method for phrase
    • cluster assisted negative sampling method
    • achieve superior results on entity clustering and topic mining


  • UCTopic uses LUKE as a backbone model
    • transformer based model pretrained for good entity embedding
    • When using LUKE as an encoder enter the sentence as well as the left and right boundaries of the phrase of interest
  • LUKE is a roBERTa model that is optimized for entity embeddings
  • UCTopic contrastive objective: positive samples are different contexts for the same phrase
    • ex: “He lived on the east coast of the United States” and “How much does it cost to fly to the United States”.
    • mask out phrase “UNITED STATES” and use as positive instances
    • use in batch negatives


  • The UCTopic dataset is English wikipedia with hyperlinks as phrases
    • Using wikipedia hyperlinks is a good source of meaningful entities
  • UCTopic finetuning is done with cluster assisted negatives
    • compute clusters of phrase representations based on pretrained UCTopic model


  • The intuition behind cluster assisted negative sampling in UCTopic is to mine more different phrases as negative samples


  • UCTopic evaluation is done on entity clustering showing that model learns good contextual embeddings of entity phrases
    • Identify Person, Location and Organization entities
    • comparable performance to phrase BERT


  • How is UCTopic applied to topic mining?
    • mine 10k phrases from dataset
    • do Kmeans clustering on UCTopic phrase representations
      • choose number of clusters using Silhouette Score
    • Finetune UCTopic with CCL
  • UCTopic can be used to generate more lexically diverse topic phrases


  • How does UCTopic evaluate the results of topical phrase mining?

    1) Topical Separation

    • human evaluation: phrase intrusion task

    2) Phrase Coherence

    • based on annotator judgement

    3) Phrase informativeness and diversity

    • use tfidf
    • ratio of distinct words among top phrases
  • UCTopic precision at n metric measures if top phrases within a topic reflect that topic well


It’s interesting to see that clustering on high-quality phrase representations gives good topics. Topic modeling is a niche but important application of short phrase representations. However, as evidenced by the convoluted approaches in this paper, evaluation of topic mining methods is pretty difficult. Overall I find the information retrieval results more compelling and UCTopic outperforms a strong alternate phrase embedding method: PhraseBERT.


title={UCTopic: Unsupervised Contrastive Learning for Phrase Representations
  and Topic Mining },
author={Jiacheng Li and Jingbo Shang and Julian McAuley },
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv: Arxiv-2202.13469}
